Ever saw a message being deleted on WhatsApp and really wanted to know what it said? Restory is the app for you!
Restory will notice that a WhatsApp message has been deleted and instantly notify you. Just click on the notification and reveal its secrets!
WhatsApp™ is a trademark of WhatsApp Inc.
Restory is not affiliated with WhatsApp Inc.
* WhatsApp deleted text messages
* WhatsApp deleted images
* Whatsapp deleted videos
* WhatsApp deleted audios (Voice messages)
Coming soon: Support for deleted WhatsApp Business messages and media.
#WhatsApp deleted messages #deleted messages #deleted images #deleted videos #deleted audios
هل سبق لك أن شاهدت رسالة يتم حذفها على WhatsApp وأردت حقًا معرفة ما قالته؟ استعادة هو التطبيق بالنسبة لك!
ستلاحظ Restory أنه قد تم حذف رسالة WhatsApp وإعلامك على الفور. فقط انقر على الإخطار وكشف أسرارها!
WhatsApp ™ هي علامة تجارية لشركة WhatsApp Inc.
لا يرتبط Restory بـ WhatsApp Inc.
* WhatsApp حذف الرسائل النصية
* WhatsApp حذف الصور
* واتس اب حذف الفيديوهات
* WhatsApp حذف صوتيات (رسائل صوتية)
قريبًا: دعم رسائل و WhatsApp Business المحذوفة.
#WhatsApp حذف الرسائل # الرسائل المحذوفة # الصور المحذوفة # الفيديو المحذوفة # صوتيات محذوفة
Ever saw a message being deleted on WhatsApp and really wanted to know what it said? Restory is the app for you!
Restory will notice that a WhatsApp message has been deleted and instantly notify you. Just click on the notification and reveal its secrets!
WhatsApp™ is a trademark of WhatsApp Inc.
Restory is not affiliated with WhatsApp Inc.
* WhatsApp deleted text messages
* WhatsApp deleted images
* Whatsapp deleted videos
* WhatsApp deleted audios (Voice messages)
Coming soon: Support for deleted WhatsApp Business messages and media.
#WhatsApp deleted messages #deleted messages #deleted images #deleted videos #deleted audios